June 14, 2017Three Schenectady Area Students Win $1000 Upper Union Street Business Scholarships
Christopher Mastroianni, Chair of the Upper Union Street Business Improvement District (BID) has announced the 2017 recipients of the Upper Union Street BID Scholarship awards. They are Sean Burke from Schenectady High School and Lauren Gabriele from Niskayuna High School. The $1000 prizes are awarded based on essays about the impact of local, independent businesses on the community and a review of the student’s academic and extracurricular endeavors.
Sean Burke, who will pursue a degree in accounting, is an International Baccalaureate Certificate student and belongs to the National Honor Society at Schenectady High School. He participated in the “Smart Scholar” (early high school college) program earning all “A” grades in four courses at Schenectady County Community College. He is a member of Peaceful Warriors boxing club. Outside of school, he has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and the City Mission.
Lauren Gabriele, who will pursue a degree in Business Administration at Marist College, is a member of the National Honor Society at Niskayuna High School where she also served as President of S.A.P.E. (Students Advocating for a Positive Environment) Club. She received the Business and Marketing Educators Association’s 2017 “Outstanding Business Education Student Award.” She is a vocal student, has participated in Melodies of Christmas and sings the National Anthem at home football, basketball and basketball games. Lauren possesses a strong background and knowledge of the Italian culture and represents Italy at events. She is employed at Bellini’s Counter, an Italian restaurant and volunteers at the Regional Food Bank.
Upper Union Street Business Improvement Street (BID) Board member Madelyn Thorne and Board President Christopher Mastroianni co-chaired the scholarship committee. “It’s inspiring to review what these young people have accomplished,” says Madelyn Thorne. “Their grasp of the role and value of small businesses like those on Upper Union Street is mature and thoughtful. Congratulations to all.”