
December 1, 2021

Take the EmployAbility Pledge

Dear Employer,

I’m inviting our local businesses and organizations to take the EmployAbility Pledge. As a part of our statewide mission to be a more inclusive society for people with disabilities, the Office for People With Disabilities (OPWDD) has created a new way for employers to show their commitment to uplifting the voices of those affected by their disability.

Join the movement to turn disability awareness into disability action. Oftentimes, people with disabilities face challenges in every day settings that can make providing or receiving a service difficult. As your state representative, I’m working to bring these issues to the forefront as a part of my mission to boost opportunities for people with disabilities in education, employment, housing, and more.

Your pledge will help ensure a more fair and equitable community for everyone. By making a commitment to meet the accessibility and communication needs of both employees and customers, you will have a direct impact on those in your community and will help inspire others to create a world that embraces our differences.

Take the EmployAbility pledge today by following this link:

Businesses that take the pledge will receive:

  • Recognition on the OPWDD, Employment First Commission, and other partner websites
  • A window decal to display at your place of business
  • A badge to display on your business website

Questions? Need more information? My team and I are here to help. I hope to hear from you on issues of concern, legislation you support or oppose, and any ideas you have to make our community stronger. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (518) 382-2941 or email

Stay safe and healthy!

Your friend,
Angelo Santabarbara
Member of the New York State Assembly
111th District | Representing areas of Albany, Montgomery & Schenectady Counties