February 1, 2023
T-Mobile Ribbon Cutting in Glenmont

The Capital Region Chamber had the pleasure of joining forces with
Bethlehem Chamber President Terri Egan and her team to cut the ceremonial ribbon for T-Mobile’s new store in Glenmont.
Town of Bethlehem, NY supervisor David van Luven spoke on behalf of the Town, rightly proud of the economic brown growth coming to this community in the form of not one but two large manufacturing firms. James Parsons, Rural Market Manager and Giovanni Derenzo, Retail Store Manager for T-Mobile spoke on behalf of the company at the event. Also present was
Capital Region Chamber volunteer Ambassador
Ron Mason. T-Mobile has big plans for the Capital Region, and your Regional Chamber will be with them all the way!
All ribbon cuttings of the Capital Region Chamber and its affiliates are sponsored by the Saratoga National Bank and Trust Company.