
May 19, 2020

Stewart’s/Dake Family Provides COVID-19 Relief Support for the Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York

The Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York has been chosen as a recipient to receive COVID-19 relief support from Stewart’s/Dake Family during this challenging time. The donation of $4,000 will be used by the Foundation to purchase additional laptop computers so their staff can continue to work remotely from home and provide the programs and services to the epilepsy population of northeastern New York.

Like many organizations, this year has proved to be a challenge for the Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York. More than 25% of the organization’s budget depends on revenue from special events, most of which will either not happen this year, or be held virtually. The support provided by Stewart’s/Dake Family will allow the Foundation to continue to provide uninterrupted services, including an art therapy program on Zoom, monthly support group meetings over the phone, and offering educational webinars and trainings. Service coordination and counseling are provided over the phone as well.

The Foundation, Board of Directors, and staff are extremely grateful for support during this unprecedented time. Seizures haven’t stopped, and the demand for the Foundation’s services has increased as the population attempts to deal with social isolation in addition to seizures, and often their many other mental health challenges.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder defined as having two or more recurring seizures; it can happen to anyone, at any age, at any time. One in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime. Epilepsy is more common than Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease combined. Services provided by the Epilepsy Foundation of Northeastern New York include education and training of school personnel and students, public education and awareness, service coordination, advocacy, counseling and first aid training.