May 20, 2019Status of Community Indicators Project
As a follow up to our February 5 Community Indicators Conversation, we wanted to check back in and let you know that the project is fully underway! Funded by The Capital Region Chamber, The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region, the Capital District Transportation Committee, and the Capital District Regional Planning Commission, the team has been meeting monthly with AVAIL Labs at UAlbany to finalize the indicators for our community with the input you gave in February. The plan is to reconvene this community conversation in September to offer you an inside look into the product during the beta testing time. The final website is slated to be completed in December and launched in January of 2020.
Thank you again for your feedback, participation and insight and we look forward to showing the product off this fall!
Click here to follow the project online.
Marna Redding
Vice President, Member Services
Capital Region Chamber
John G. Eberle
President & CEO
Community Foundation of the Greater Capital Region
Mark A. Castiglione, AICP
Executive Director
Capital District Regional Planning Commission