
August 1, 2018

St. Catherine’s 5th Annual Running SCCCared Family 5K Run/Walk Open for Online Registration

St. Catherine’s Running SCCCared 5K offers fun for the whole family.

It’s August, and the Dog Days of Summer are here. As we head into one of the hottest months of the season, we’re sure some of you are already looking forward to the cool breezes and bright colors of Fall. And if you’re ready to fill up your Fall calendar, consider joining us for St. Catherine’s 5th Annual Running SCCCared Family 5K Run/Walk at The Crossings of Colonie on Saturday, October 13.

St. Catherine’s Running SCCCared 5K, presented by Radiant Pools, is a family-friendly event that includes refreshments, games, and a FREE children’s 1-mile run/walk in addition to a 5K. Participants—children and adults alike—are encouraged to come in their favorite Halloween costumes. Monsters, superheroes, and cartoon characters are welcome to join the fun. The children’s 1-mile run/walk starts at 9:30 am. The 5K gets underway at  10:30 am.

Pre-race registration costs for Running SCCCared are $25 for adults, and $20 for students (13-21). Teams of five or more runners may register for $15 per runner (call 518-453-6756 to learn more). Race day registration is $30 per runner. To register today, click here.

Free Running SCCCared 5K t-shirts will be given to the first 300 paying runners!

St. Catherine’s Running SCCCared 5K is a charitable run/walk organized by St. Catherine’s Leaders for Tomorrow. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Children’s Activities Fund at St. Catherine’s. For more information about this event, or to learn more about St. Catherine’s Center for Children, call Adam Rossi at 518-453-6756. To become a race sponsor, see our ad below.