
October 14, 2021

SiCM Receives Major Grant, Celebrates Phil Grigsby’s Legacy of Food Justice

Schenectady Community Ministries (SiCM) received a $100,600 grant from the Schenectady Foundation (TSF) as part of TSF’s Food Access for All, an initiative to facilitate the creation of healthier and more sustainable food system for Schenectady County residents. Of the six grants approved, SiCM’s was the only multi-sectorial, collaborative project – Healthy Living 360. Together with the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schenectady, Schenectady ARC, and the 21st Century Program of the Schenectady City School District, SiCM seeks to foster opportunities for well-informed, accessible, healthy food choices. Creating spaces for accessible shared learning on food access, agriculture, food planning and preparation that is culturally diverse is at the core of this project.

“Like many other consequences of poverty, the pandemic revealed that there are far more people living food insecure. Working directly with marginalized and disenfranchised communities is the way to best articulate the way toward food security”, said the Rev. Amaury Tañón-Santos, executive director of SiCM. “The four organizations that are partnering in this project are committed to the agency of the communities we serve, and to community-based and culturally-celebrating solutions to poverty and marginalization.”

The announcement of this major grant comes at the cusp of a capital campaign that has seen the expansion of SiCM’s Community Hub and the renovation of the pantry. Part of the grant project and the expansion will include access to the greater Schenectady community to a space with access to the network of the Alliance for Better Health, a weekly clinic that will be staffed by Ellis Hospital, and a community learning kitchen to share best cultural and nutritional practices.

This is the work of over 50 years of community engagement. 33 of those years were led by The Rev. Phil Grigsby, who retired in December of 2019. SiCM’s board of directors will honor Rev. Grigsby’s legacy by naming the pantry after him on Friday, October 15, at 3pm (839 Albany St., Schenectady 12307). Speakers at the event will include Councilwoman and Hamilton Hill resident, Hon. Marion Porterfield, community leader Shirley Readdean, SiCM board president, William Monaghan, and faith leaders Rabbi Matt Cutler of Congregation Gates of Heaven and Rev. Jeremiah Lennox of the Nemeton of the Mother Grove.

Schenectady Community Ministries is an interfaith collaborative with over 50 years of community presence. With food security as our main focus, SiCM serves the community through the largest pantry in Schenectady County, managing an almost 2-acre community urban farm, running the county-wide summer meals program for children and youth, and providing a safe and welcoming space for community engagement.