August 29, 2016Scottish Games Set for This Weekend
The annual Capital District Scottish Games started as a picnic organized by Clan MacRae for immigrant Scots in 1939. The Games are now celebrated by 10-15,000 enthusiastic spectators, who come early to see the opening massed pipes and drums at 12 Noon and stay to watch the caber toss, highland dancing, visit the clan tents, see the Scottish Breed Dog show and watch Celtic entertainment in the huge beer tent.
The Schenectady Pipe Band, a Capital Region tradition since 1917, has been presenting the Games for the past 38 years, and this year will be hosting the Northeast United States Pipe Band Championship, which will feature 30 pipe bands from throughout the U.S.A. and Canada. This contest has grown to be one of the largest pipe band competitions in the USA.
The Games will be held on September 3 & 4 (Labor Day weekend) at the Altamont Fairgrounds. Discount Advance Tickets may be purchased beginning July 5th only at the website.