
July 27, 2022

Science, Avengers, Magic and Old-School Radio – Something for Everyone in the New Shows at Proctors

Proctors announces five new shows coming to Schenectady that are on sale now! Tickets are available through the Box Office at Proctors, in person or via phone at 518-346-6204 Monday-Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. or online at Groups of 10 or more can get their tickets by calling 518-382-3884, ext. 139.

One Man Avengers
2 p.m. & 8 p.m. Saturday, October 1, GE Theatre at Proctors
2 p.m. Sunday, October 2, GE Theatre at Proctors
Charlie Ross is back, portraying Iron Man’s armor, Cap’s shield, Hulk’s rage, Thor’s biceps, Thanos’ chin and Black Widow’s butt. Directed by TJ Dawe. “Like the Energizer Bunny”-Calgary Herald “Nerd heaven”-Chicago Tribune “Nuclear levels of energy”-Variety “An uncanny ability to perform multiple characters at the drop of a hat”-Boston Theatre “If anyone can be described as a one-man multimedia machine, Charles Ross is it.”-Australian Stage

Neil deGrasse Tyson: “Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization”
7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 26, MainStage at Proctors
So much of what divides us in the world today evaporates when viewed through the lens of science literacy, and especially when viewed from perspectives derived from knowing the universe. This illustrated talk explores the conflicts embedded within war, politics, religion, law, gender, and race, leaving you with a refreshed outlook on life, culture, and the future of civilization.

The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays
7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 15, MainStage at Proctors
Celebrate the holidays with the entire family at The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays, a mind-blowing showcase featuring jaw-dropping talents of the most incredible illusionists on earth. The Illusionists has shattered box office records across the globe and dazzles audiences of all ages with a powerful mix of the most outrageous and astonishing acts ever seen on stage. This non-stop show is packed with thrilling and sophisticated magic of unprecedented proportions.

It’s a Wonderful Life Radio Play
7:30 p.m. Friday, December 2, GE Theatre at Proctors
It’s Christmas Eve in 1945, and only a handful of WVL Radio’s actors have braved the blizzard to perform that evening’s broadcast of It’s a Wonderful Life and keep the station afloat. This clever stage adaptation breathes new life into the poignant story of George Bailey and Bedford Falls. When Frank Capra and his co-writers were working on the original screenplay of It’s a Wonderful Life, the Great Depression was a vivid memory. The story of George Bailey and Bedford Falls is juxtaposed against a time of failing banks, devastatingly high unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing. The circumstances are eerily familiar, and over 60 years later, this story remains as fresh and relevant as ever. Its message of hope and optimism is the perfect antidote to holiday cynicism.

Doktor Kaboom and the Wheel of Science
6 p.m. February 8, 2023, MainStage at Proctors
So much science, so little time… Doktor Kaboom is having trouble picking his favorite science demonstration, so he’s bringing them all! Unfortunately, there are way too many to do them all in one show. The solution: The Wheel of Science! Doktor Kaboom has built a great big spinning wheel and labeled it with everything from optical illusions to chemical reactions to a homemade hovercraft, and more! At least a dozen fantastic demonstrations ready to go. Wherever the wheel stops, that’s what’s next! Will we turn a water bottle into a rocket or catapult bananas across the stage? Electrocute a pickle or create artificial gravity? Who knows? No two shows will be the same. So, step right up, and let’s spin that wheel!