April 13, 2016Schenectady Symphony Orchestra to Hold 59th Annual “Symphony of Fashion”
The League of the Schenectady Symphony Orchestra will hold its 59th annual spring fashion show and luncheon “Symphony of Fashion,” on Monday April 25, at the Glen Sanders Mansion, 1 Glen Ave., Scotia.
Coffee will be served at 10 a.m., and the fashion show will begin at 11 a.m., followed by lunch.
Fashions are from Casual Set of Stuyvesant Plaza with hairstyles by Rolando of LaFemme and music by Mike Purcell.
The cost is $35 per person. For reservations, please call 518.372.7145 or 518.377.2838. All proceeds will go to help meet the general operating expenses of the Schenectady Symphony Orchestra, which is a community orchestra supported solely by volunteers.