
March 17, 2016

Schenectady County Embraces Diversity (SCED) Invites all to “Dialogue to Change” Program

The Dialogue to Change program is a community dialogue process to help people explore complex issues, make some decisions and begin to take action. Our focus is reached by a series of structured dialogues (referred to as ‘study circles’) that provide a safe and effective way for residents to discuss and address community issues. The Spring series will begin the week of April 3, 2016 and run for six weeks, meeting once per week.

The theme for the program is “Facing Racism in a Diverse Nation.” Sponsored by Everyday Democracy (the successor to the Study Circles Resource Center), the curriculum provides a structured way for constructive dialogue, and deepening understanding that leads to action. The curriculum can be previewed at The Dialogue to Change program is a new initiative focused on bringing adults into the dialogue on race and diversity. SCED sponsored such efforts in its initial phase. SCED is under the SICM umbrella, with partners including the YWCA of NENY, the League of Women Voters, the Schenectady County Human Rights Commission, Schenectady County Community College and others.

All are welcome to join. The impetus comes from congregations from diverse backgrounds that indicate interest in participating. The groups will range in size from 10 to 15 and the number of groups depends on interest. Groups will meet once a week, with various time slots available.

Register Online

SCED, or Schenectady County Embraces Diversity, is a community coalition that began from several critical incidents. SCED sponsors study circles on race and diversity with area high school and middle school students from all 7 districts in the county. It is full supported by all. The current round of study circles with high school students will be held March 22 and 24 at Union College. The middle school sessions will be held April 19 and 21.

For further information, contact:

Rev. Horace Sanders, Chief Diversity Officer at SICM

518.374.2683, ext. 112


Rev. Phillip Grigsby, Executive Director at SICM

518.374-2683, ext. 111