
July 15, 2015

SaxBST Announces New Hires and Promotions

SaxBST is pleased to announce the following new hires and promotions in the Albany office:

Ryan, Mary - PhotoMary Ryan joins the firm’s Business Advisory Group as a bookkeeper. She previously worked for Ayco in Saratoga Springs. Mary is pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting at Empire State College. She resides in Schenectady.

The firm is also pleased to announce the following promotions:

Brendan Kennedy ‐ Senior Manager to Partner.
Paul Zarecki ‐ From Senior Manger to Director of Forensic Accounting.
Lindsey Amadon ‐ From Associate to Senior Associate in the accounting and auditing department.
Bethany Lillie ‐ From Associate to Senior Associate in the accounting and auditing department.
Robert Brown ‐ From Analyst to Senior Analyst in the valuation, forensic and litigation support department.
Scott Loesch ‐ From Analyst to Senior Analyst in the valuation, forensic, and litigation support department.

Kennedy, Brendan Zarecki Paul New Color Amadon, Lindsey cropped Lillie Bethany color Brown Robert color cropped Loesch Scott cropped