August 4, 2020Saratoga Auto Museum Weekly Wednesday Car Shows
Join us for our Weekly Wednesday Car Show on Wednesday, August 5!
The show will take place in the Maple Avenue parking lot behind the Saratoga Springs City Convention Center and the Saratoga Hilton from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (weather permitting).
This show’s theme is BMWs, but vehicles of ALL makes and models are welcome to register.
Pre-registration for display vehicles is $20, and day of registration is $25. We will be limiting the number of vehicles. Please pre-register to secure your spot.
These shows are FREE for spectators – will we be limiting the number of spectators, per NYS guidelines.
Make it a great evening and dine out, or order take out, from one of our city’s fine restaurants to help support local business!
Per New York State and CDC guidelines, face masks and social distancing will be required to ensure the safety of our attendees, staff and volunteers.