
March 31, 2016

Sage to “Light It Up Blue” for Autism Awareness

The Sage Colleges will kick off Autism Awareness Month on Saturday, April 2 by lighting up its campuses blue. The initiative is part of Autism Speaks’ annual “Light It Up Blue” campaign to celebrate World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. Bush Memorial Center on the Russell Sage College campus in Troy and the Administration Building on the Sage College of Albany campus will both be illuminated in blue.

Each year on this day thousands of iconic landmarks, businesses, schools, colleges, universities and homes across the globe shine bright blue lights in honor of the millions of individuals and families affected by autism. Last year more than 18,600 buildings participated in the effort which spreads awareness and understanding of autism, celebrates and honors the unique talents and skills of individuals with autism and brings attention to the needs of those with autism.

As part of Autism Awareness Month, the Esteves School of Education at The Sage Colleges will present its fourth annual Best Practices in Autism Intervention conference on April 16, on its Sage College of Albany campus. This year’s theme is Building Independence in Individuals with Autism. For more information about the conference visit Sage College’s Autism Awareness page. Dana Reinecke, a doctoral level Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and a New York State Licensed Behavior Analyst will deliver this year’s keynote address. Reinecke is an assistant professor in the CASE program (Concentration in Autism and Special Education) with the Department of Special Education and Literacy at Long Island University Post.

Sage Autism Awareness

For a complete listing of Autism Awareness month activities and other events at The Sage Colleges visit the website.

Sage Colleges website