September 14, 2016Sage to Host Second Restart Workshop for Entrepreneurs
The Sage Colleges is pleased to partner with In Focus Brands and Autonomy Distributors to host its second evening of Restart Workshops for local entrepreneurs. The workshop sessions will focus on crowdfunding. The event is free and open to the public and will take place on Thursday, September 22, 2016 from 6 to 8:00 pm in room 105 of Kahl Campus Center on the Sage College of Albany campus located at 140 New Scotland Avenue.
“This is a unique opportunity to present a wide variety of sessions designed to help entrepreneurs and local businesses work smarter, not harder,” explains Kimberly Fredericks, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Management at The Sage Colleges. “We will discuss the uses and types of crowdfunding as well as provide practical business solutions for raising awareness and donor and market development.”
Presenters include Dean Fredericks and Robert Manasier, entrepreneur-in-residence at The Sage Colleges.
In addition to Dean of the School of Management at The Sage Colleges, Fredericks, Ph.D, MPA, RD, is a professor and chair of graduate programs at Sage. She has expertise in social network analysis and evaluation within different public and nonprofit sectors. Fredericks has consulted for many groups and her work has appeared in numerous journals.
Manasier is a serial entrepreneur, multiple business owner with over 30 years of experience managing clients, staff and businesses. He has created and developed the Economic Development Acceleration Labs (EDA LABS) to assist small to middle market businesses to be faster, stronger and smarter in building and keeping their companies.
Topics include:
- The Different Forms of Crowdfunding
- Benefit Versus Equity
- Creating the Crowd
- Best Campaign Practices
- Choosing a Platform
To register for the event visit