
September 23, 2015

Peaceful Acres Horses to Host Rejuvenation Retreat

Being diagnosed with cancer creates several challenges for the individual, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually, just to name a few. Regaining ones strength and hope and reducing fears after treatment is difficult. Regaining your bearings and adjusting to life as a Thriver can be even harder.

This is where the importance of Rejuvenation Retreats can be up-lifting, encouraging and place hope back where fear had been taking up space.

PAH cancer retreat logo Renew Refresh Rejuvenate3 (2)“I often wondered how someone has the strength and courage to handle cancer. Then I was diagnosed with cancer, and I found my “Emotional Courage”. I was once a volunteer at the PAH Rejuvenation Retreats, I am now a Thriving Participant and volunteer” ~ Carol

Peaceful Acres Horses is committed to the restoration of hope and building “Emotional Courage” for women after being diagnosed with a cancer diagnosis.

These special Rejuvenation Retreats offer women the comfort of being with others, who have understanding and empathy for the life changes that have taken place once they were diagnosed with cancer.

“I just wanted to use my enthusiastic personality to lift and inspire others. I may be living with stage IV cancer, but despite the cancer, I am alive, truly living my life and Thriving. I want others to believe they too can be Thrivers”! ~ Maria

Rejuvenation Retreat Aug 22 2015 at PAH (6)Restorative Healing In The Beautiful Countryside

The setting at Peaceful Acres Horses offers two Yurts that were funded by The Charles R Wood Foundation, these beautiful – healing structures offer participants the areas for yoga and meditation classes and also gathering space to meet, enjoy meal times and inspirational talks.

” I had never been in a yurt before, and to have a yoga class in one, was as peaceful and relaxing as I could have ever imagined. I plan to return to a PAH Rejuvenation Retreat so I can enjoy more Yurt Yoga and also Horse Hugs” ~ Lisa

LilanandaYoga logo“When I was told I could meet horses and get a Horse Hug, I made a commitment to myself to register. Now I want to attend everyone of the retreats PAH offers” ~ Kelly

PAH wellness and restoration programs began with 4 horses helping to restore the emotional stability of a women and teenagers. Over the past 8 years PAH has opened it’s stable doors to many more horses who needed restoration and sanctuary and many more people who found stability in the presence of the horses.

Since 2010 PAH has been serving women who are surpassing a cancer diagnosis by offering restorative retreats. The Rejuvenation Retreats offer time in nature, yoga and meditation classes, equine guided sessions, “Emotional Courage” found through the energy of a horse, Reiki, Chakra classes, delicious food and wonderful empathy and inspiration from other Thrivers.

Rejuvenation Retreat Aug 22 2015 at PAH (2)PAH has expanded over the years and now has opened the Rejuvenation Retreats to women who are surpassing cancer and their care-givers. ( adults only, sorry no young children – although watch in 2016 as PAH serves the children of people who have received a cancer diagnosis – a new and improved horse camp)

The Rejuvenation Retreats are open from May – October and serve up to 15 participants per retreat.

As time moves forward the Rejuvenation Retreats will have accommodations and offer 2-5 day retreat opportunities.

_20150825_122648“I arrived at the sanctuary and knew immediately I was comfortable. The horses and people greeted me with positive energy and I just knew it was well worth my drive to Pattersonville, to spend a day that was designed just for me!” ~ Ann

Pattersonville is 30 minutes from Albany, 10 minutes from Schenectady and 40 minutes from Saratoga Springs. The sanctuary is 4 miles off the NY State ThruWay, exit 26.

Rejuvenation Retreats are well worth the drive from anywhere!

Become a ribbon sponsor

If you would like to become a Ribbon Sponsor,  a contribution of $65, we are dedicating this Legacy Charitable Giving opportunity this month in the name of Christine. It will offer funding support to women who are unable to afford The PAH Rejuvenation Retreat Tuition.

Thank you for your support of PAH’s Ribbon Fund

Each month a friend or family member nominates their Angel to be the Ribbon Angel at PAH.  Please email to have your loved one become a PAH Ribbon Angel.

Learn more here.