
November 23, 2016

Partnership Announces Small Business Saturday in Schenectady

img_0591DSIC, Chamber and BID encourage consumers to support local businesses

Three Schenectady business organizations are working together for the third straight year to drive community awareness of Small Business Saturday and to kick off the holiday shopping season for Schenectady’s local businesses. This year, the big day is Saturday, November 26. The Small Business Saturday Schenectady Partnership consists of the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation (DSIC), Capital Region Chamber and Upper Union Street Business Improvement District (BID). The Partnership held a press conference on Tuesday, November 22 at City Hall to announce participants and activities for Small Business Saturday in Schenectady and to encourage the community to shop small.

Said Jim Salengo, Executive Director of the DSIC, “Year after year, our local businesses are definitely seeing the positive influence of Small Business Saturday. We invite shoppers to come out on November 26 – and throughout the entire holiday season—to discover the many unique treasures and one-of-a-kind experiences offered by Schenectady’s fantastic independent businesses.”

Said Mark Eagan, CEO of the Capital Region Chamber, “Each of us in the Small Business Saturday Schenectady Partnership has signed up to be a Neighborhood Champion and receive special tools to promote the day. Participating businesses will have a mix of Small Business Saturday items on hand to celebrate with their customers. It will be a great day in Schenectady!”

Said Chris Mastroianni, Chair of the Upper Union Street BID and owner of Michael’s Shoe Service & The Last Gentleman Co., “We are excited to promote Small Business Saturday again this year in partnership with the DSIC and Chamber. While we each work to promote our individual member businesses throughout the year, this is a perfect way to showcase a large cross-section of hardworking entrepreneurs that make Schenectady a fantastic place to shop, dine, work, live and play.”

Said Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara, “This Saturday and throughout the holiday season, I encourage shoppers across the Capital Region to seek out small businesses before they head to the mall or get on a computer. Schenectady is home to so many locally-owned shops that offer quality customer service and products you just can’t find anywhere else. When you buy local, you’re getting a great experience, but
you’re also helping the local economy and the small business owners who are committed to making our community thrive.”

In 2010, American Express founded Small Business Saturday to help independent businesses with their most pressing need – getting more customers. The single day has grown into a powerful movement, and more people are taking part than ever before. According to American Express, an estimated 95 million people went out to shop at small independent businesses on this day in 2015, marking an 8 percent increase from 2014. Additionally, total spending among U.S. consumers who were aware of Small Business Saturday reached $16.2 billion, an increase of 14 percent from $14.3 billion in 2014.

Dozens of local businesses in Schenectady have created in-store specials, drawings, giveaways and more specifically for the Small Business Saturday Schenectady Partnership’s promotion. For more information on Small Business Saturday and local businesses in Schenectady, visit,, and