September 18, 2015OrthoNY Welcomes New Physician

OrthoNY is pleased to welcome Dr. Laura Scordino. Specializing in care of the hand, shoulder and upper extremity, she has started seeing patients in the practice’s Schenectady and Delmar locations.
Dr. Scordino received her medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse and completed her orthopaedic surgery residency at the University of Connecticut. Most recently, she held a fellowship at Upstate Medical University, focusing on the hand and upper extremity.
“We are excited to welcome Dr. Scordino,” said Alan Okun, CEO. “She joins the nine physicians currently Saving Lifestyles in Schenectady, and 30 other physicians, with a team of 22 physician assistants and nurse practitioners, providing care at 11 locations from Albany to the Adirondacks.”
Appointments with Dr. Scordino may be scheduled by phone, 518.489.2663, online at, or through the OrthoNY appointment app.