July 20, 2020Nourish New York
When COVID-19 hit our communities in March and our world changed, the Regional Food Bank began providing food assistance for thousands of people who lost their jobs or were impacted by the pandemic in other ways. A month or so later, the demand was so great our food inventory began to dwindle and we were worried about having enough food to maintain our new level of service.
Fortunately, New York State came to the rescue by quickly creating and funding the Nourish New York (NNY) program. Recognizing that many farmers lost their markets overnight and were unable to sell their food, and that the need for emergency food was increasing at the same time, the state awarded $25 million to the 10 Feeding America food banks in the state to purchase New York agricultural products and provide them to people in need. Food banks were chosen because of their ability to respond rapidly and on a grand scale.
We are proud to be part of this wonderful program and even prouder to know the state is delighted with the way we have implemented it. It has been a win-win for everyone. It offers much needed assistance to New York farmers and is providing fresh, high quality, nutritious food to those who need it most on a daily basis.
Sister Betsy Van Deusen said, “Catholic Charities has been so thrilled to be sharing such fresh, nutritious food with everyone who comes to drive-thru pantries. Families with children have been especially excited about the milk, cheese and yogurt.”
Since the program launched in April, we have purchased over a million pounds of food from New York growers and producers – cheese, milk, yogurt, eggs, chicken, sausage, apples, grape juice, and much more. Because of Nourish New York, our food offerings are the best they have ever been, and people who are hurting are being well fed.
State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said, “I thank the Regional Food Bank for their partnership in the Governor’s Nourish New York program and the significant impact they are making in our communities. The Food Bank has long been committed to purchasing from our New York State farmers and they have built on that commitment through this critical initiative, which is addressing the immediate needs of our families and supporting our farmers who are both struggling as a result of COVID-19.”