
February 13, 2018

New York State Office of Mental Health Patient Safety Standards, Materials and Systems Guidelines Listed As A National Reference Standard for Psychiatric Facilities

We are proud to announce that the New York State Office of Mental Health Patient Safety Standards, Materials and Systems Guidelines are listed as a national reference standard for psychiatric facilities in the 2018 edition of the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction of Hospitals. architecture+ developed the New York State Standards in 2007 and continues to actively maintain the standards in conjunction with a review panel of content experts from the State Office of Mental Health. This standard is used for planning psychiatric facilities throughout North America and encompasses every system, surface, and object in the inpatient environment. We regularly research and evaluate new and existing products for inclusion. The FGI (Facilities Guidelines Institute) is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing guidance for the planning, design, and construction of hospitals, outpatient facilities, and residential health, care, and support facilities. They oversee the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction revision process and publication, fund research, and offer resources that support the development of safe, effective health and residential care built environments.

Additional information about New York State Office of Mental Health Patient Safety Standards, Materials and Systems Guidelines