
May 17, 2017

Mission Accomplished Partners with the Creative Economy to Help Local Young Aspiring Fashion Professionals

Mission Accomplished Transition Services has partnered with Bella V Boutique, the Albany Barn and Moxie to design the Fashion Edition, a career development and exploration program to help aspiring fashion professionals launch their career in the industry. The graduates of this program will be honored at the Rites of Passage Ceremony at 6:45 pm on Tuesday, May 23rd at the Albany Barn, 52 2nd St. in Albany NY. RSVP at .

The partnership combines industry knowledge and professional development to help the students hone the business skills and confidence to market themselves as aspiring fashion professionals who will bring value to the industry.

The curriculum is designed to teach the young aspiring fashion professionals how the industry works behind the scenes by engaging them in real-word, hands-on learning environments; equipping the students with an interview-ready portfolio, resume and business cards; exposing them to industry leaders living in the Capital Region and New York City, from designers to event producers; introducing the students to various career options within the industry; and helping each student become more focused on a specific fashion career path.

“The real-world, hands-on experiences in this program challenge the students to think outside the box, develop the skills to complete a project from start to finish under pressure and how to use their resources to work through unforeseen project problems or changes” says Carmen Duncan, CEO & Founder of Mission Accomplished.

“I enrolled in the Fashion Edition program to develop and practice skills that aren’t taught in the four walls of a classroom. The Coaches and Advisors have helped me become more positive and focused about my career goals, taught me how to be proactive, how to better manage my time and prepare for and manage projects. This program is extremely important to me and to my classmates because we feel ourselves becoming who we were destined to be” Kat, Fashion Edition student

This program is made possible by our dedicated sponsors Linium Staffing, Workforce Development Institute, Koppett and Sunmark Charitable Community Foundation.