
October 15, 2015

Microknowledge to Hold Customer Appreciation Event to Benefit the Heart Association

Microknowledge invites you to join them on Thursday, October 22 for theirsixth program of 2015: Managing the Multi-Generational Workplace. Feel free to make a donation of any amount to the MicroKnowledge Heart Walk team to benefit the Heart Association.

This session will provide an opportunity to discuss and gain insight to the ever-changing landscape of the U.S. workforce and its reflection of the generational makeup of the average American office. Microknowledge will show how creativity and planning are vital tools in producing a mutually beneficial work environment in which all generations can thrive and feel valued.


  • Define each generation and the events, icons and economic climate that shaped it
  • Describe statistically how each generation is represented in today’s workforce
  • Brainstorm solutions for scenarios that depict a generational challenge that may be encountered in the workplace
Date: October 22, 2015
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. – Registration & Light Refreshments

8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. – Presentation

Location:   21 British American Blvd

Latham, NY

Parking: Parking is available in front of the MicroKnowledge office

Registration is required. Please contact Karen Seeley at 518.786.1181 or at