
August 16, 2022

Member Spotlight – Dulye & Company

Dulye & Co. founded in 1998 is an award-winning management consultancy firm that helps leaders, and their organizations cultivate magnetic cultures where people want to stay and grow. 

Long before the pandemic put the focus on creating a magnetic culture, Dulye & Co. was designing Spectator-Free Workplace™ cultures in hybrid workspaces through 180-degree engagement – from the front-line to the C-Suite. This breakthrough practice started within their own organization in 1998 by building meaningful connections across a fully remote team. 

Since 2008, Dulye & Co. has underwritten and managed a global professional development organization – the Dulye Leadership Experience (DLE).  DLE delivers year-round, in-person and virtual career development and networking programs, which have inspired and connected a global community of next-gen leaders from diverse industries, positions, and organizations. Membership and registration to most DLE programs are free. 

The Dulye & Co. team thrives on developing research-based solutions that achieve measurable impact in the communications, connections, and mutual respect of an organization. They strongly advocate for building partnerships within and between levels and departments – creating a culture of WE. This approach is something that Dulye & Co. is known for because they lead with hard data, not just gut about the “soft” skills and human dynamics of an organization. The best thing that a client has said about their experience in working with Dulye & Co, is that it’s made their organization better and has made them a better leader. 

Linda Dulye, Founder & President, Dulye & Co. uses the Chamber as a resource through the calendar of events and the diverse programs that provide learning and networking opportunities. Linda is not just about work, but also life outside of work where she enjoys “fully taking in the abundance of lakes to give my sculling oars and I a hearty workout.”