
January 7, 2021

Member Spotlight: Capital Region Calmare

Laura Brown

Laura Brown, Owner and Therapist at Capital Region Calmare

Laura Brown came to the Capital Region in 1996 after graduating from college with a Master’s in physical therapy. She spent 13 years in a rehabilitation setting as a PT and LMT while developing the hospital therapeutic massage program. She started her own business, ume:urban.massage.elite to fulfill her desire to do hands-on work that addresses a clients problems.

Since then, Brown has also added Calmare Pain Therapy to her practice – her business is known as Capital Region Calmare. The non-invasive Calmare technology uses a biophysical, rather than biochemical approach; scrambling the message sent to the brain into one of no-pain. Brown sees people suffering with neuropathic pain, including sciatica, back and neck pain and more. The nerve pain can be a result of diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, or shingles or from common reasons like failed back surgery syndrome.

In addition to the pain therapy, Brown offers deep tissue massages for individuals with chronic or acute pain issues.

To read more about Calmare treatment and Brown’s other services, please visit

Currently located in Schenectady, Brown is excited to open a new location at 800 Route 146, Suite 492 in Clifton Park. On Thursday, January 21 at 11 a.m., the Chamber will host a ribbon cutting to help celebrate her grand opening!