June 27, 2023Lions Eye Bank of the Northeast 75th Anniversary
The Capital Region Chamber had the pleasure of leading the ribbon cutting for the 70th anniversary and rebranding of the Lions Eye Bank of the Northeast, located at Tower Place near Stuyvesant Plaza. For volunteer Ambassador Tim Williams and Capital Region Chamber’s Pete Barduinas, this was a really amazing look into both the organization and philanthropy of the Lions Clubs International and also the dedication and talent of this not-for-profit which screens, gathers, matches up and prepares the corneas and other donated components of the human eye to restore sight to the afflicted. Its a real blessing to know that people who lost loved ones can make a difference in the lives of someone else.
It all began with a presentation by Helen Keller, about how important it was to give people the chance to see and hear the world around them. The Lions have been making it happen ever since, and recent consolidations are positioning this venerable organization to better serve constituents across the Northeast and obtain the resources to get the job done. Tim and Pete were given a tour, and saw the operation first hand, including the harvested eye material from recent donors. The Lions have a big presence in both Putnam and Dutchess counties, including the hospital where my brothers were born.
All 2023 ribbon cuttings of the Capital Region Chamber and its affiliates are sponsored by the Saratoga National Bank & Trust Company. Photos courtesy of the Lions Eye Bank of the Northeast.