
August 1, 2019

Hunger Action Challenge

Hunger Action Challenge imageIn honor of Feeding America’s nationally recognized Hunger Action Month in September, the Regional Food Bank is hosting its 2nd Annual Hunger Action Challenge- a competition for businesses, organizations, and individuals to collect all types of donations to help our neighbors in need!

Awards will be given to the top collecting teams in 3 categories: personal hygiene items, funds, and non-perishable food donations. Anyone can enter! Winners will be determined by Wednesday, October 2nd.

How can you join the fun?

Step 1: Sign up by clicking the button above and filling out the form.

Step 2: Collect as much personal hygiene items, funds, or non-perishable food donations throughout September as you can!

Step 3: Deliver your donations to the Food Bank on Tuesday, October 1 from 4PM-7PM for drop-off, weigh-in, light snacks, and our thanks!

Click here for a list of most-needed items. Post it in your office or share it with your friends as well!

Monetary contributions can be made online through Monday, September 30 at

The goal is to have at least 100 teams participate this year.