
February 1, 2018

Hi-5 for School Pride: Using Core Values to Strengthen our Schools, our Communities and our Society

Joseph Palmer, former Elementary Principal, current District Administrator, utilizes the core values of PRIDE, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, TRUST and CITIZENSHIP to build character, culture and climate in individuals, schools and communities. Presenting at local, state, national and international conferences, the Hi-5 for School Pride method and children’s book has impacted 1000’s of students and transformed a variety of school districts and communities into more accepting and positive environments. For information on how Joseph can assist your school, district or community, you can email Mr. Palmer at or you can meet Mr. Palmer as he will be leading a roundtable discussion for Niskayuna Rotary at the Blue Ribbon Restaurant and Bakery on Tuesday, February 6, 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM. Guests are always welcome.