December 19, 2017“Get Ready” Campaign to Help Educate Taxpayers About Steps They Can Take to be Ready to Timely File Their Tax Returns and Receive Their Refunds as Quickly as Possible
In preparation for the filing season, the IRS invites you to help us educate as many taxpayers as possible about steps they can take to be ready to timely file their tax returns and receive their refunds as quickly as possible.
Our “Get Ready” campaign will help accomplish this by using traditional and social media communications and outreach. In addition to a number of news releases and Tax Tips, the IRS will use Thunderclap, a crowd speaking social media platform, to rally IRS partners and stakeholders in spreading the “Get Ready” message. I encourage you to add your support to this effort to reach as many people as possible with these very important tax readiness messages.
Thunderclap is a great way you can help. If you or your organization has a Twitter, Facebook or TUMBLR account, please join us today by using your social media platforms to push out the same message on a specific day and time. That message will also automatically be shared with your social media followers. Think of it as a massive flash mob on social media. It is completely safe and will automatically post exactly one message on your own social media account.
Here’s how to sign up for the Get Ready Thunderclap:
1. Follow this link:
2. Click on “Support with” and choose Facebook, Twitter or Tumbler
3. Authorize Thunderclap to post this 1-time message to your social media platform by clicking on the “Add My Support” tab. You will need to input your Social Media username and password. It is not shared with the IRS.
4. You will see this message . . .
Once you sign up using your social media account, this message will automatically go out on Tuesday, December 13, 2017, at 1:00 p.m. EST from your account with no further action required. It will blast out automatically from the designated social media account of each organization or person that backed the cause which in turn reaches every one of their friends, followers and beyond…all at the same time.
We aim to flood Twitter, Facebook and TUMBLR with this message: #GetReady: Take steps now to ensure the smooth processing of your taxes in 2018. #IRS
Thank you for helping us get the word out about these “Get Ready” tips.