May 11, 2016First Business Mixer for the New York Business Leadership Network in the Capital Region
On June 9, the New York Business Leadership Network will host an information session at Hilton Garden Inn in Troy at 6 p.m. They are excited to present the business case for hiring individuals with disabilities. If you are a business owner, hiring manager or simply interested in employment opportunities in the Capital Region – come find out about this untapped employment base.
NYLBN’s goal is to empower employers to understand the increasingly valuable employment population of individuals with disabilities. This workforce has proven to have lower job turnover, higher morale and productivity.
NYLBN welcomes Mark Eagan from the Capital Region Chamber and Ron Romano of New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc. (NYSID). Mr. Eagan will be speaking for a few minutes to give the state of the economy in the Capital Region. Mr. Romano will address the growing need for developing all employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.