July 10, 2019FAM Equity-Income Fund Changes Name to FAM Dividend Focus Fund
With an unwavering focus for more than two decades, FAM Equity-Income Fund is now known as FAM Dividend Focus Fund. The new name better reflects the Fund’s steadfast focus since its 1996 launch — purchase shares in a select number of quality companies that pay a growing dividend. We believe these stocks should also have the potential for long-term capital appreciation.
Everything else is the same:
- Same portfolio management team – Paul Hogan and Thomas Putnam have managed the Fund together since its 4/1/1996 inception (this is very unusual in the industry because the average tenure of a mutual fund manager is about 5 years)
- Same ticker symbol – FAMEX
- Same investment objective with its focus on dividend-paying companies
“The new name reinforces our commitment to dividends and why we believe they are so important,” said Paul Hogan, Co-Manager of FAM Dividend Focus Fund. “Dividends can provide stability during turbulent markets and be meaningful to investors’ overall returns.” Mr. Hogan also emphasized that, in the firm’s experience, quality businesses that pay a growing dividend can provide downside protection and upside potential.
Fenimore Asset Management is the investment advisor to FAM Funds – FAM Dividend Focus Fund, FAM Value Fund, FAM Small Cap Fund – and has shareholders throughout the U.S.