
May 19, 2020

Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse are NOT on Pause: WELLSPRING needs your support

Be a Changemaker
Please consider a financial donation to Wellspring. Survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault will know you care, now and in the future. Wellspring Board Members have generously offered to match every dollar of donations up to a collective $50,000 that are made between now and June 15th. Please click the donate now button below to join in this important work. Gifts of any size are deeply appreciated and needed.

64 Days and Counting
Today, many of us are home working while surrounded by our family. Dedicated to our mission, Wellspring staff are working from home too. Many answer hotline calls to offer guidance and options for the immediate safety of our clients. Sometimes, their call to action involves accompanying a victim of abuse to the police station or to the emergency room in full PPE to avoid the risk of exposure to Covid-19. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault are increasing dramatically in our county, and some community members do not feel safe at home. Wellspring is supporting our clients 24/7.