October 1, 2015Doane Stuart Lower School Students Fight Child Hunger
The Doane Stuart School teaches that helping your community can start at any age and any grade level. As part of today’s Lower School chapel service, students in early childhood-grade four listened to Maddy’s Fridge, read by Second Grade Teacher Brittany Garrison. The book shares a difficult topic – child hunger – in a way that is accessible and appropriate for younger children. Teachers led a discussion about how kids in our community – 1 in 6 in Rensselaer – sometimes don’t have enough to eat, and Mrs. Garrison shared her volunteer work at the Concerns-U Food Pantry in Rensselaer. The second grade class each presented on what they will do to help those who are less fortunate; they offered to donate food to kids in need, as well as toys, blankets and clothes. After the discussion, students were then asked to help make an immediate difference for needy families: each student was asked to bring in plastic bags, which will be rolled up and given to Concerns-U. The bags will be used by the 400 families who visit the food pantry ever month. This is a practical way to help and a way that the Doane Stuart students can show they really care.
Community service is an essential part of the Doane Stuart School experience. Lower School students will also collect can tops for Ronald McDonald House and they will do extra chores around their homes to earn change that they will donate to Coins For Kids, which benefits the Farano Center for Children.