
November 10, 2016

Doane Stuart Lower School Celebrates Veterans Day with Local Veterans



On Wednesday, November 9, Doane Stuart Lower School students welcomed veterans from the Melvin Roads American Legion Post #1231, the O’Neil American Legion Post #1683, and the Sheehy-Palmer VFW #6776.

Students presented our veterans with handmade cards thanking them for their service and asked questions about their time in the military.  Next, Early Childhood, Kindergarten and First Grade students sang a special song of thanks.  Students then shared what freedom means to them, followed by Grades Two-Four singing “America the Beautiful.”

Students then gathered outside to place a wreath by the veterans monument at the front of the school.  Assemblyman John McDonald thanked our veterans for their service and Keane O’Leary ‘27 of Loudonville and one of our veterans placed a wreath in front of the monument.  After a moment of silence, the ceremony ended with students leading the group in saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”