September 14, 2022City of Watervliet Announces 40th Annual Arsenal City Run
City of Watervliet Mayor Charles Patricelli announced the city will hold its 39th Arsenal City Run on Sunday. The 5K race will start at 10 a.m. The Arsenal City run, a staple in the city for almost four decades, returns after a one-year hiatus because of the pandemic.
The race has drawn more than 200 registrants to date and runners may register the morning of the race for a $20 fee. The event also features a 9:30 a.m. Kids Fun Run. Registration is not required for the Kids Fun Run and there is no fee to compete in the race.
“Two years ago, we were forced to skip the race because of circumstances that were beyond our control, but we had a great race last year and this one is on track to be even larger,” Mayor Patricelli said. “The hiatus allowed us more time to focus on the 2021-2022 race. This is a great event for everyone, even if you choose not to run, because it draws the community together and shows we have a great city for those who come out of town to participate in the event.”
The race will commence and finish in front of Watervliet City Hall, located at 15th Street and Broadway. The race will be run on Broadway, continue just past the city, and return along Broadway.
“This year’s Arsenal City Run is possible because of a group of dedicated city residents, headed up by Chris Chartrand, Assistant to the Mayor,” Patricelli said. “The number of volunteers that have offered their help has been overwhelming. Manning water stations, traffic control at intersections, cutting up oranges and working to assist the runners in registrations are some of the positions that are needed to help coordinate this race. I want to thank all the volunteers and the supporters of the race who have donated to help defray the expenses.”
Race activities, being held at the Start/Finish line, include feature food, refreshments, balloon sculptures and live music.
“Our city restaurants will be open to showcase their delicious cuisine for those who choose to hang out in Watervliet and enjoy an incredible meal.” Patricelli said.
City of Watervliet Event
What: 40th Arsenal City Run
When: Sunday, Sept. 18
Where: Start/Finish in front of Watervliet City Hall, 15th Street and Broadway Time: Kinds Fun Run, 9:30 a.m.; 5K Arsenal City Run, 10 a.m.
Race-Day Registration: Yes