
June 21, 2017

Citizen Science: Pine Bush Big Birding Day

Join the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission for their first ever Pine Bush Big Birding Day from Friday June 30, 2017, 6:00pm–Saturday July 1, 2017, 8:30pm. Teams can register and participate together in the preserve for 24 hours from 7:00pm Friday to 7:00pm Saturday, trying to observe as many bird species as possible. Each team will be self-guided and participants must provide their own transportation. Teams can work at their own pace for as much or as little of the 24-hour time period as they want. The event will kick off with light refreshments on Friday evening at 6:00pm and then participants will get back together for dinner and a closing ceremony on Saturday evening at 7:00pm. All ages are welcome to participate but all teams must have at least one member who can identify birds with them at all times. Teams can sign up by calling 518-456-0655 or visit

“A big birding day allows the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission to learn what species of birds are in the preserve. Detecting birds this time of year also suggests that those birds may be breeding here,” says Amanda Dillon, Field Ecologist and Entomologist. “Commission staff regularly conduct surveys during the summer months where we record every bird we hear and see at points located around the preserve.  This event will help us get more eyes and ears on the ground and expand our coverage area. Birds are very sensitive to changes in their habitat and some can only be found in particular types of habitats like the inland pitch pine-scrub oak barrens found the in the Albany Pine Bush.  Knowing which species are present in the preserve tells us a lot about how effective our efforts are in restoring this globally rare landscape.”