
June 7, 2017

Chamber Recognizes UMAC with Hometown Hero’s Banner

The Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation (DSIC) and City of Schenectady are partnering for a third year on the popular Hometown Heroes Banner Program. This banner program proudly recognizes active duty and veteran service persons, both living and deceased. Each banner will honor a specific Schenectady County serviceperson and will include his or her name, branch of service, and photo. Banners will be displayed on street lamps in Downtown Schenectady along State Street (from Veterans Park to South Church Street) and around City Hall from mid-May until mid-November.

The Capital Region Chamber sponsored a banner recognizing UMAC.  (Pictured) Tom O’Conner, Director of Government Relations, proudly unveils the banner which will hang near Veterans Park.  The Chamber has always been a proud supporter of the military and the intricate role they play in our community.

Thanks to the DSIC on spearheading this program for the 3rd straight year.  The number of sponsored banners has grown by almost 30% from the previous year.  We hope for continued growth moving forward.  For more information on nominating and/or sponsoring a veteran visit the DSIC website at: