
March 14, 2018

Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is Looking for Business To Hire Their Graduates

The Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) is dedicated to providing immediate, effective and comprehensive employment services to men and women with recent criminal convictions. Our highly structured and tightly supervised programs help participants regain the skills and confidence needed for successful transitions to stable, productive lives.

As an employer, you need dependable workers. The Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) offers a full human resources team at no cost to you. We can provide your business with pre-screened candidates who are carefully selected and matched to your specifications.

CEO has a mission and track record you can trust. We have been providing comprehensive employment services to formerly incarcerated men and women for more than 30 years. Since our incorporation in 1996, CEO has made over 25,000 placements with employers like you.

TAX CREDITS: By employing CEO graduates, you become eligible for a variety of tax incentives and other benefits. CEO handles all the paperwork, saving you time and money.

Here is the website about this program: If you have any questions about this program, please contact Rob Carillo, contact information below:

Robert Carillo
CEO Albany Director
Center For Employment Opportunities
41 State Street, Suite 408
Albany, New York 12207

Office: (518) 426-0390 Ext. 2299