August 22, 2018Capital Region Land Bank Awards Demolition Contract
The Capital Region Land Bank met last evening and approved a contract worth $622,000 to demolish 10 buildings, boosting neighborhood revitalization efforts in Schenectady County.
Richard Ruzzo, Chairman of the Land Bank and a member of the Schenectady County Legislature said, “We are pleased to award this demolition contract to continue our efforts to fight blight. By removing these vacant eyesores, we strengthen our neighborhoods, improve the quality of life for our neighbors and boost home values.”
Three bids were received. The low bidder was Cristo Demolition of Albany. Vacant structures will be demolished with work slated to occur this fall.
The Capital Region Land Bank uses funding provided by the New York State Attorney General, administered by Enterprise Community Partners. Additional funding for the demolition work was provided by Schenectady County and the Schenectady County Metroplex Development Authority. The Capital Region Land Bank was established in 2012 to strengthen neighborhoods within Schenectady and Amsterdam by mitigating blight. More information and a list of Land Bank and City of Schenectady owned properties for sale can be found at