
April 11, 2019

Capital Region BOCES Student Hones Her Skills at Apple Barrel for State Competition

Capital Region BOCES culinary student Karee Hildreth recently practiced her waitress skills at the Apple Barrel in Schoharie as she prepared for the state SkillsUSA restaurant skills competition later this month in Syracuse.

In the attached photo, Hildreth, of Schalmont, waits on two customers.

“I am looking forward to the state SkillsUSA competition and then it’s on to nationals in Kentucky,” Hildreth said confidently.

She is one of several-dozen Capital Region BOCES students who will compete at the state SkillsUSA that will be conducted April 24-26, 2019 at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse. Winners of those events, which range from precision heavy equipment operation to heating, ventilation and air conditioning repair, culinary skills and automotive technology, will advance to the national competition in Kentucky in June.

The Apple Barrel is one of more than 300 Capital Region BOCES business partners who provide everything from work-based learning opportunities to industry expertise in crafting program curricula.

Apple Barrel Co-Owner Josh Loden, a 2010 Capital Region BOCES graduate, praised Hildreth’s efforts.

“Karee is an amazing testament as to what these vital programs are about. Her passion for this industry is evident in her demeanor, respectfulness, and attitude. I wish more kids would take advantage of the opportunities that Capital Region BOCES provides,” he said. “It’s because of the program and Karee’s passion that she is setting herself up for tremendous success in her future and setting herself apart from her peers in such a positive way.”