
August 11, 2016

CAP COM Cares Goes on Tour

CAP COM Federal Credit Union will host its First Annual CAP COM Cares Tour the week of August 15, 2016. The goal of the initiative is to share random acts of kindness throughout the community.

CAP COM will collaborate with local Chambers including the Capital Region, Rensselaer, Southern Saratoga and Saratoga Chambers, in addition to other business partners including Coccadotts Cake Shop to “share the care” in big and small ways. Members of the community and businesses can get involved by posting a story or photo of themselves delivering an act of kindness in the community between August 15-19 on CAP COM social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtags #capcomcares and #sharethecare.

On August 22, CAP COM will randomly select three acts of kindness from those that have tagged our social media sites. Winners will each receive a $250 donation in their name made by CAP COM to the charity of their choice.

Sharon Phillips, CAP COM’s VP of Strategic Marketing & Public Relations said, “This initiative is all about paying it forward to thank members of our community for the impact they make to better lives every day. We are truly living the credit union philosophy of “people helping people” through our CAP COM Cares Tour.”

Some acts of kindness will include surprising individuals at Hannaford by paying for their grocery bills, visiting Colonie Center with our ice cream van to give out free ice cream, and delivering Coccadotts cupcakes to various businesses in our region.

To learn more about becoming a part of the mission visit: