April 11, 2019Brown School Invites Capital Region Community to “Brown School Color Run,” a 5K Walk/Run for All Ages; Stars Wars Theme and Costume Contest for 2019
Best Fitness Sponsors Event Where Participants Can Be Sprayed with Festive Non-Toxic Colors As They Run or Walk; Event Celebrates the School and the Community
Saturday, May 4, 2019
10:45AM – Kids One-Mile Race
11:00AM – 5K Color Run
Central Park, Schenectady 500 Iroquois Way
Brown School Students and Staff
Hundreds of Additional Runners, Joggers and Walkers!
Brown School is excited to announce their third “Color Run” 5K (run/walk) for the entire Capital Region community. The event, to be held on Saturday, May 4, 2019 in Central Park, Schenectady, is sponsored by Best Fitness and is a fundraiser for the nursery through grade 10 independent school. This year there is a festive Star Wars theme that includes a costume contest. The day kicks off with a kids one-mile race at 10:45am, followed by the 5K Color Run at 11:00am.
Organizer of the race and Brown School Administrative Assistant, Elizabeth Ritz, is excited to bring this event to the community once again. “We love this event because everyone has so much fun. For those who have never participated, Color Run participants are sprayed with bright, safe, non-toxic powder. We’re excited to have Star Wars as a theme to see what people come up with for costumes,” said Ritz.
Those who are walking/running can control how much color powder they receive by where they position themselves.
The school originally decided to organize the race in celebration of MindUP™. The school was the first in the nation to adopt the social/emotional program developed by Goldie Hawn and The Hawn Foundation. They continue to actively use MindUP™ in all grades. “We always work to inspire children to develop a love of learning whether at school or doing community activities. Fun exercise is a great way to develop mindfulness, as well as a positive mindset. We look forward to seeing many families and additional members of our community,” said Patti Vitale, who serves as head of Brown School.
Race bib pick-up will be on that day prior to the race times. There will be prizes for the first adult and youth male and female runners. Those interested in signing up should visit: Participants can walk/run individually or can form a team.