
July 8, 2019

BOCES Summer Camp Info – New Summer Camp Teaches Youth about the Skilled Trades

A brand new summer program is opening the world of skilled trades to middle school students.

The Capital Region BOCES Summer Camp launched today with 15 students from the Niskayuna and Schalmont School Districts. The seventh and eighth grade students will learn about five different careers – some of the more than 20 options they would have as juniors if or when they enrolled in Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School.

The objective of the program is to let students in their formative years know that these careers not only exist, but offer great options for their future.

“Studies have shown that in order to fill the middle skills gap, we need to reach out to younger audiences to share information with them and let them know these careers exist and provide a very comfortable living,” said Nancy Liddle, business liaison for Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School.

During the five-day camp, students will learn about culinary, automotive, internet applications, carpentry and nursing careers. Teachers from those programs will be leading the discussion.

“This is a great opportunity for these students to undertake career exploration and to see what really exists out there and how they can pursue those paths,” said Denise Fernandez Pallozzi, assistant director for curriculum and instruction at Capital Region BOCES.