
August 26, 2016

Becoming a Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise is a Must

Profitable Speech, LLC Founder/Owner, Dale G. Klein, announced that she has successfully been recertified as a Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE), as of August 15, 2016.

Dating back to 2002, New York State Department of Economic Development first awarded Profitable Speech this important designation. The certification remains in effect for a 3-year period at which time a business must reapply for recertification. While this is a cumbersome process, Ms. Klein states that it is well worth the benefit of being listed in New York State’s Directory of Certified Businesses. This tool is used by agencies and contractors statewide and allows a business the advantage of accessing a variety of technical assistance.

Profitable Speech assists clients to sound their best, ensuring they have the Stand-Out Factor©.