January 26, 2016Basketweaving Workshops with Beverly Cornelius
Wine Bottle Carrier
Saturday, March 19, 2016 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
This market basket holds two bottles of wine; perfect for trips to the store, or as a gift. Change out the wine for bread, and you’ve got a perfect picnic basket! Students will use simple over under weaving & will have the opportunity to design their own baskets using dyed reed and decorative weaving techniques.*
Materials Fee (to instructor): $25.
Bicycle Basket
Saturday, April 16, 2016 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Spruce up your bike! Students will use a simple row-on-row technique & learn how to drop spokes to create space for strapping that will attach the basket to your bike. You’ll also weave strapping in for carrying your basket to picnics or shopping.*
Materials fee: (to instructor) $30.
Adirondack Berry Picker
Saturday, May 14, 2016 – 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
An original twist on the iconic ADK packbasket. Students will learn a Shaker technique to weave the solid base, and a continuous weave combined with hand shaping techniques to create the basket’s body. We’ll weave in Shaker tape to mimic pack basket straps, leaving hands free for berry picking or gathering!*
Materials Fee (to instructor): $40.
*Supplies needed for all workshops: a bath towel, a wash cloth, a sheetrock knife, a tape measure, a basin for water, bag lunch. For more info or to register, please visit or call 518-887-5073.