
January 21, 2022

Baller Dream Foundation Announces New York Director

The Baller Dream Foundation has appointed Katrina Lucas to be the new executive director for New York. Based in Saratoga Springs, Lucas will lead efforts to advance the nonprofit organization throughout the Capital Region and beyond.

Lucas is the principal of sofiEvents, a boutique firm specializing in event marketing, sponsorship management and communications. Prior to launching her business in 2008, she was the Director of Events and Signature Activities at the National Hospice Foundation in Alexandria, Virginia. Her extensive nonprofit background also includes work with Gilda’s Club Greater Washington, the Visiting Nurse Service Association, Seton Health Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

Founded in Saratoga Springs in 2012, Baller Dream Foundation strives to lift the spirits of brave warriors, aged 25 and younger, affected by cancer. The first step to this is referring to them not as patients, but “Ballers” – a modern term conveying that someone is doing well, feeling well and in control. To that end, Baller Dream Foundation works closely with The Melodies Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders at Albany Medical Center, and other children’s hospitals across the country, providing in-hospital activities and offering support to families. Following treatment, BDF presents major life experiences to help Baller dreams come true, ultimately building long relationships to assist them and their families through remission, on the path to a stronger life.

“I am so excited to have Trina join our team as Executive Director for New York,” stated Frank DeBlasi, Baller Dream Founder and CEO. “This is our legacy market, where we began as Ballsfest almost a decade ago. While Baller Dream Foundation grows across the country, it’s vital that we continue the work we started here to support young cancer warriors and their families. I know there is so much more we can do, and am confident Trina will enhance our efforts, engaging with community partners to lift the spirits of Ballers and their families even higher.”