
February 7, 2020

Are you Interested in a Business Plan? Clarkson University, Capital Region MBA’s Can Develop a Plan for You

One of the last courses the students take in the MBA Program at Clarkson University’s School of Business (formerly Union Graduate College) is a Capstone course. This course is intended to integrate all of the student’s course work and step them into the business world. A team of four students will develop a full, comprehensive business plan for a company at no cost. The plans are realistic and something that the company can use – this is not just an academic exercise. The business plan can be written for a start-up company, for an expansion of an existing business or to meet the objectives of a not-for-profit organization.

Business plans have been prepared for over 170 companies/organizations and have been very beneficial to the organizations. The business plans will be written during the spring ten week term that starts late March 2020 and also in the fall term that starts in early September 2020.

If you have an interest in participating in this program, please contact Mel Chudzik no later than February 28, 2020.

Mel Chudzik, David D. Reh School of Business, Clarkson University, Capital Region Campus, Schenectady

Phone:518-631-9889 (office) 518-225-9923 (cell) Email: