
September 15, 2015

Albany Roundtable Civic Luncheon Series Kicks Off Season with Jeff Mirel, Rosenblum Co. & Albany Barn

You are invited to join the kick Albany Roundtable Civic Luncheon for their 2015-2016 season kick off lunch on Wednesday, October 14 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at University Club of Albany, located at 141 Washington Ave in Albany.

The speaker will be Jeff Mirel, Executive Vice President at The Rosenblum Companies and Board President of the Albany Barn. He’ll tell us why this is such an exciting time for our region, and explore the demographic trends that favor the continuing revitalization of our urban centers.

But with that momentum comes hard questions about how we can remake the urban ‘renewal’ of the twentieth century, and align public, social, cultural, educational, industry and technology resources for more equitable, sustainable development.

For more information, please click here. If you wish to register, please click here.