
April 28, 2021

Albany Pine Bush Preserve’s 17th Annual Lupine Fest Happening May 15-June 5, 2021

The Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission is rejoicing in the arrival of spring with their 17th annual Lupine Fest! This year the festival will be held May 15 – June 5 online at and with activities throughout the 3,350 acre Albany Pine Bush Preserve.

Wild blue lupine is a beautiful native wildflower that blooms in May and June, and is the only food source for the caterpillar of the state and federally endangered Karner blue butterfly. The globally rare, nationally significant and locally distinct Albany Pine Bush is showcased during Lupine Fest through a combination of online interactive programs and limited in-person activities. The festival celebrates wild blue lupine and the unique inland pitch pine-scrub oak barrens endemic to the Capital Region. Website visitors can access online resources to enjoy solitary nature walks, hands on activities with community partners, music, games, crafts and more.