
May 3, 2019

Afrikan Queens Boutique Opens its Doors in the City of Troy

The Chamber was honored to partake in a ribbon cutting for Afrikan Queens Boutique, LLC on Thursday, May 2. Located in Troy, Afrikan Queens Boutique, LLC was founded by Mary Koroso, Jessica Mutahanamilwa, and Mary Moore. The three founders have always had a desire and interest in connecting their home in the Capital Region with their native country of Tanzania. They’ve also had an interest in doing more for both communities. Opening Afrikan Queens Boutique will help them accomplish their goals, participate in community events and sponsor different things to help women and children.

One of the things they do is buy merchandise directly from the people that make them, nonprofit organizations in Africa. They also work with local vendors that feed back into the Capital Region. The goal is to have a network of women who make all the items in Africa knowing they have someone to sell to, instead of depending solely on tourism.

Afrikan Queens Boutique, LLC would also like to be a liaison for the African culture and community in the Capital Region – whether it’s lending items to local schools for a presentation, travelers looking for information, or someone just looking to better understand the African culture.
More information on the company and the event can be found at