
September 13, 2023

2023 Go Red for Women Luncheon Set for Nov. 3

Capital Region bands together to help eliminate heart disease and stroke

American Heart Association’s signature Go Red for Women® Luncheon raises critical funds, spotlights barriers women face to better heart health

 ALBANY, New York, SEPTEMBER 13, 2023 — More than 400 people decked out from head to toe in red are expected to gather on Friday, Nov. 3, from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Capital Region’s annual Go Red for Women Luncheon to raise awareness and help fund the fight against heart disease and stroke, which claim the lives of 1 in 3 women.

The Go Red for Women Luncheon is one of the nation’s premier events for the American Heart Association, devoted to a world of healthier lives for all, and the signature fundraising event for its Go Red for Women movement, which harnesses the energy, passion and power of women to improve their health, and in turn, support their families and communities.

“We’ve made tremendous progress over the years, but cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, claiming more women’s lives each year than all forms of cancer combined,” said Michele Kollmer, Relationship Manager at Broadview Federal Credit Union, and chair of the 2023 Capital Region Go Red for Women Luncheon “This is an event many people and companies across our city look forward to every year and the cause we’re supporting and the funds we’re raising are  as important now as they have  ever been.”

Women, especially Black and Hispanic women, are disproportionally impacted by heart disease and stroke. Research shows heart attacks are on the rise in younger women.[1] Yet, younger generations of women, Gen Z and Millennials, are less likely to be aware of their greatest health threat, including knowing the warning signs of heart attacks and strokes.[2] That’s why it’s important for all women to take charge of their heart health and encourage others to do the same.

Guests will rally at the heart-healthy event around a goal to raise $300,000, which will help advance women’s health through research, education, awareness and advocacy initiatives.

